Tuesday, April 17, 2012


                             John Bryan              Join S aRyan

Is Yellow Springs, Ohio, British 007 Spy territory? Is that why some want Antioch colleges closed and nearby Xenia has had several tornadoes. Weather war?  Tor nado= door NATO?

ROD STERLING= Staff of the British Monetary Unit.
Twilight Zone= killing vampires ( catholics) .  Vampires who kill Vampires??  England is the only major power I know of that claims to control the protestent " Chruch of England" religion, and then outwardly wars against Catholics.  And what do they do with catholic blood?

Catholics refers to all darkies, homosexuals, people that dress in catholic looking clothing( muslem women and men clothing  resemble the costums of catholic priests and nuns), jews, slaves, any person with any attribute affiliated with the calthoic church is a target.   Are you the assholes who shot me?  One of the shooters had a silver gun and one had a copper gun.. British police...

The Name: YELLOW SPRINGS= Asian Jumpers.. yellow is the color usually affiliated with Asians.   Possibly Hong Kong, until recently, a British colony.

During WW11 , the Americans claimed the Asians would jump off of cliffs to kill themselves when the enemy approached.  They were called Jumpers. The Americans eventually pulled their troops back to save civilian lives, earning themselves the label  of being too sympathtic. Countires learned  they could persuade the USA into actions by threanenting to kill their own people. 

The military action  was refered to as " Play into American Sympathies"

Another way of looking at the word "Jumpers" is to look at animals that are indiginous to China that Jump..
ASIAN JUMPERS? Chinese tigers with English springs ?

Tigger ( a tiger with springs character from the "Winnie the Pooh" series written by A. A. Milne - born in Kilburn, London)

Kil burn ==kill burn ( kill brown) . the burned people

London= LON DON =alien done
Anti catholic philosphies was a way to create wars against white and blacks; without the enemy realizing all of the deffinitions "black"  referred too..  The word "London" suggests the plan was applied to aliens , those outside of England
in the purpose of extinction.

ANTIOCH COLLEGE: Und die Ocht..collage ( located in Yellow Springs Ohio)

and the eight collage(read in German translated into English)

and the eating collage

Under (8) infinite collage
and the infinite eating collage

There sure are a lot of china buffets in Ohio. Should customers be looking for messaging in the food buffet collage? They serve a lot of broccoli (Barack- oil e)

From the Antioch college web site: http://antiochcollege.org/antiochiana/ a China reference:

Antiochiana :

Preserving and recording our history is an essential element in building the future of Antioch College. Antiochiana began as a collection of historical artifacts gathered by College librarian Bessie Totten, class of 1900, who served the College for 41 years. Among its impressive collection, Antiochiana includes the papers of Horace Mann and Arthur Morgan, used for academic research by scholars from around the world.
After more than a century, Antioch College will remain committed to careful stewardship of this critical College resource. If you have questions regarding the archive or wish to support its preservation with the pledge of a capital or planned gift, please contact us at 937-767-2341.

In the coming weeks, a more comprehensive story of Antioch College will be developed online. Please visit often.



E-mail written  to my family on a visit to Yellow Springs, Ohio..
Yellow Springs Ohio..the Rod of Sterling

If you have children that may need a restroom facility quickly, get Montezuma's revenge, have prostrate problem, colostomy , walking issues, a stroller, this is not the town to visit,, and may actually be dangerous to you and your families health/ life.

It was Sunday, January 15, 2012. I decided to drive to Yellow Springs Ohio,  known for its art, books novelty shops, and nonviolence.   I hadn't had more than a couple hours of sleep in two days; and  thought it  would be nice to go to  the town, park, get a couple hours of sleep and tour the stores.

Yellow Springs is nestled between two major parks John Bryant national park and Glenn Helen. The drive to the town was visually enjoyable.

The parking in town was not the greatest., everything seemed very exposed as the streets were lined with stores and the sidewalks were narrow and close to the street. It was aesthetically appealing and enticing if  you were a good  walker or were carrying little baggage ( no children)

I was hungry, needed gasoline and i had to go to the bathroom. The fermented honey from the Waffle house breakfast was demanding I visit a toilet facility. I drove to the gasoline station, purchased a coke and asked for a bathroom.. I had to go..

"No we don't have public restrooms" the attendant said.. There is a public facility at the end of town in the old train station.."

Train Drain.,. weird .. i had seen how words had been used in this area of Ohio to harm people,, I could hear the train and drain connection but was not sure if it was good or bad,, i knew i was not comfortable with the draining train rhyme. Training  visitors to go down the drain.. loose their money, leave the town?

I drove to the other gasoline station in town ,BP ( British Patrolling ) A large sign on the front window read. NO Public Restrooms.

I was trying to accomplish more than one task at a time.. toilet., food gasoline.. and in this town all i was doing was wasting gasoline driving around looking for convenience.. not a ecologically friendly town.. The gasoline price listed as $ 3:59 a gallon. 

I went back onto the main street to go to the grocery store. I was hungry. Last time I was in yellow springs I bought brie cheese for a price that was lower than any store in the area,,. Certainly I could get my cheese, buy some crackers and use the toilet.

An elderly gentleman greeted me at the front of the store from behind his cash register.

Exchanging hellos I turned and went to the meat and cheese department. Two elderly woman were working at the department..

"Do you have restrooms here" I asked?

"No we have no public restrooms here. The closest and only one is at the train station at the end of the street "

This town was not only environmentally unfriendly for encouraging excessive driving , it also was outright dangerous to a persons health. Diarrhea was not common for me.. Haven giving birth to three large babies my uterus blocked and usually held in liquid fecal material until i was ready to go.. I really needed a toilet.

As i walked out of the grocery store I noticed that there were no young children in the town,, no mothers pushing buggies,No people with canes or wheel chairs. The middle aged and old people were either working in stores that sold  grocery food  , exercising or eating in cafe's and resturaunts where other people made the food. Good god! this reminded me of England,, where the old had to prove themselves worthy to live.. a survival of the fittest. If you can't get to the bathroom then you should not live.

I drove-- using more gasoline.. to the abandoned train station now used as a visitors center and public restroom facility. .. There was a public parking lot made of dirt and gravel next to the train station that resembled a freshly dug grave.  The lot was also used for walkers to park their vehicles while they walked the trails of the local parks.  A store giving yoga lessons, advertised  sleeping mattresses..an Odd couple , rested on the opposite side of the dirt parking lot, across from the visitors center.

As two middle aged walkers came from the woods.. I thought " in this town " A bear must  shit in the woods!!!! Or pee in the river.  Perhaps that is where the town  YELLOW SPRINGS, derived its name, from the water that flowed over the limestone coated in urine .

The bathrooms at the Train 2 Drain station were clean and very empty.  It had been nearly an hour, and this was the first time during my visit to Yellow Springs, I was not concerned for my health and well being.

There was something very wrong with a town that did not allow toilet facilities to its locals or visitors unless they went to a store that prepared  food for them to eat.,were employed by the store,  or  went to a public facility on the outskirts of the down town area.  If this town ever asked for government paid health insurance they should  HAVE TO PROVE their local planning commission built ,  planned and designed their town for the day to day health of  its residents and visitors. This town seemed to cater to healthy people with no baggage., and punished those who were not as fit as others.

Yellow Springs, A town living in it's own Twilight Zone. a Zone where the locals seemed to deny themselves the understanding of their " Logans Run"  matrix Darwinian existence.


Charles Robert Darwin, ( 12 February 1809 - April 1882) Was an English naturalist, known for his survival of the fittest theories.
 Restroom facilities difficult to get too unless fit or wealthy , in a town surrounded by nature, seems more of an attack on  a nonviolent , unsuspecting community.

In Yellow Springs, Ohio,  it is said, Rod Sterling invented the show " The Twilight Zone"

Twilight zone,   *Twilight--Vampires --An Infinate ( ANTiOCH) existence, guarenteed by sucking the blood of the locals, for energy purposes.. 

Rod of  the British monetary Unit.. its energy.. British Petroleum,. Farming human fuel in  Yellow Springs? Oil well,  thats how I viewed their town.

Other English ( British) Comparrisons to Yellow Springs:
* Not child friendly-- The british  encourage children , be sent  to boarding schools as early as eight years old. ( ***many British families are trying to get this tradition changed.. the custom seems more an advertised traditon by the governement, than a popular tradition amoung the locals.)  In England and Germany, the Americans are referred to as the children of the planet, .  Americans  are said to not understand a lot of what is going on in the world.  Is YELLOW SPRINGS LEADERSHIP AND PLANNING SAYING get rid of americans and visitors by not making their town child unfriendly? I suspect they are.

* Bear shitting in the woods= the English run some of their computer ( cyber space ) activites through Siberia Russia,. (CYBER SPACE)The Russians are the little bears ( Boo Boo's-poo poo's).. SIGH BEAR ia.

(The term "sigh" was originally coined by the Italians and referred to the
"Bridge of Sighs"; a small bridge in Venice Italy( more like a covered breezeway) that connected the local prison to the death chamber. Called the "Bridge of Sigh's" because the women would sigh and cry from the canal below the bridge, as the prisoners crossed from the penitentiary to the death chamber. A small window revealed the last time the women and families would see their men alive. Through the years, intentional sighs, became known as a symbol  for death.. .

IF you want to view how day to day life under controlled and paid for medical care by the government, outside of the hospital, will be in the United States.. visit Yellow Springs Ohio..

PS:( PiSSS) Don't shit in the woods!!! unless you want a possible visit from BooBoo the bear.. sigh!!!

I have no plans to return.
After writing this to my family, my legs became weak.  Sleeping was difficult, and i woke nearly every day with stiff legs. And i was tinkling on my leg, unintentionally, as i had not done before.  Possibly  Someone with Raygun tech, from  Yellow Piss Springs, is mad at me.

And what of the innocent people trapped in the town?  Prisoners of town (POT) Is there help for them other than death? And the innocent Americans of British  decent.. is anyone caring for them?

My credentials are:

I have lived in England and Germany: I speak some German, Russian, British English and American English
I have the MRS..wife and mother degree. A Bachelor Science degree in Home Economics.. from the Ohio State University. Some of the SOCIAL Democrats from Dayton, Ohio claim wife and motherhood is a wasted profession for ignorant women.

I come highly NOT recommended. DUH...M

Ragan without a Ray Gun. Is Raygun holding up the Rod of Sterling ?  Prevention or support?

                                   Star wars.. killing stars( Juice- Darkies-Catholics)  from above? Or No shots at all.

Years ago I did ask.. "Exactly what are you saying Mr. and Mrs. Politician?" Is there a body language in Politics?
Mit Romeny,  holding up his finger..his arm in a V formation.. in the bend of his arm is the face of darkness.

This is a picture "read":  Not necessarily , and most probably not, the view of Romney.. As in Yellow Springs, Ohio, there is  inncoence amoung many of the accused American Children..   

The picture has Romney pointing to the Roman Numeral five in the word "Beleive". Some call it Pie. IF you read the word "Believe" with German pronunciation.. Se lia fe." c'est la vie",

C'est la vie" is a French phrase used by Americans , translated as "Such is Life"

IS this picture referring to RayGuns and StarWars ? Was the photo planted by alien invaders of the Third Reich?

Notice the trikles of red and blue coming off of the word "BELIEVE" .   Religious art referring to a plague from GOD, blooding the water.   In England, God, is the King of England.

Under Mit Romneys elbow is what resembles a RayGun, pointing at Mit Romney ( With Romen Egg).  The name is a catholic reference.   Romney's Hair,  hair halfbreed colors.. silver and black. Not an Aryan.

An Egg from British Perspective:

       Russian Air (Arrow-Flat )

 Looks to me, someones trying to destroy the USA
  Catholics, the Brown Eggs, Juice
...And if you ever visit Europe, you may hear...
  "All Americans are Juice"
Double Try- pie-sea-pin-fear( for)- infinity
35 is also the number  affiliated with Great Britten and her territories